SF News & Culture


Sovereign Flavors Texas is Officially BRC Certified!

As we continue to grow the Sovereign Flavors operations, we recognize the importance of having the facility in Texas undergo the comprehensive process of being audited by a globally recognized GFSI certifying body, such as BRC. After several months of diligent preparation, we are pleased to share that we have successfully completed the initial BRC audit for Sovereign Flavors Texas!

Similar to the BRC audits conducted at the Santa Ana facility, the auditor evaluated the food safety and quality programs in place in Texas to ensure that the flavors manufactured, tested, and shipped from the Kyle facility meet industry food safety standards.

Following an extensive two and a half day inspection, the auditor found very minimal issues and praised the plant’s cleanliness and our teamwork regarding our shared responsibilities. This achievement is just one of the many ways we strive to uphold our quality and excellence across state lines.

With this milestone accomplished, we are eager to explore how we can continue to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.